West Sussex Geology
Updated 2 February 2023
Welcome to West Sussex Geology, dedicated to the fascinating and varied geology of West Sussex. This web site lists details of my geological walks and talks, as well as providing links to other organisations.
West Sussex has a rich and varied geology (although not always easy to discover without some guidance) that falls into distinct landscapes - the coastal plain, the South Downs, the Greensand belt and the central Weald.
Whether you are interested in the landscape, fossil collecting or building stones, there is plenty waiting to be discovered. Geology also overlaps with archaeology and industrial history. Why not join me on one of my events, or book a talk for your group?
My name is David Bone. I enjoy geology and have been studying the subject for nearly 40 years, much of it in West Sussex. I specialise in giving talks, guided walks and teaching, especially as an introduction for people who know little about the subject. More ...
Fossil Hunts
at Bracklesham
Please note that I have stopped doing public fossil hunts but will still take private bookings from organisations, societies, families, individuals, etc., subject to time and tides.
For more details, click here.
Possible weekend dates here.